Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

So Happy Together...

Reminding me of that 1967 song by a group called The Turtles.  Which I will now be humming for days.

I am honestly not even sure how I spotted these very tiny syrphid flies (hover flies) but somehow I saw them which then prompted a quick trip inside to grab the d850/macro set up.  Luckily, these little flies have a fairly long mating period so they were right where I'd left them when I got back and they didn't move so much as an antennae while I photographed them from various angles.  They were in a large patch of rudbeckia (black eyed Susans) in my garden which made a lovely setting.

I was sorely tempted to post another hummingbird today, but instead I will put one in Extra featuring two hot headed little hummers in battle.  I am enjoying the abundance of hummers very much right now as well as the abundance of insects.  

We have a female Hairy Woodpecker in our woods now and she has become a frequent visitor at the suet feeder.  It's been a couple of years since the resident pair were taken down by hawks, so I hope she will stick around.  There was also a tiny Blue-gray Gnatcatcher gleaning insects in the yard - until one of the hummingbirds started chasing him.  The hummers get so amped up at this time of year that they will literally chase just about anything.  Too bad because I would have liked to have gotten a decent shot of the gnatcatcher - they are fast little things and quite difficult to photograph (in my opinion).  I expect to start seeing some of the fall warblers moving through now - if the hummers will leave them alone!  

I had a piece of plain dark today - sometimes you just need to stick to basics.


BREAKING NEWS - For those of you wanting to see a bear picture, see Extra.  It's a crap picture, taken through the window and a screen with Jax barking ferociously next to me.  Put the halt on taking Jax for a nice leisurely walk on the Lane...

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