Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Because of Bob Dog

Yesterday's rose was found when I took Bob dog for a walk across the street from our house. He and I rarely cross the street. Then today we headed out on our normal route and decided several blocks from here to cross the neighborhood street to walk on the other side and look what we found. This beauty was hanging over the top of a tall wall. I stopped, stared, and thought "This belongs in Hawaii or somewhere other than here." So I took my cheapie camera out of my pocket and started clicking. If I hadn't become a blipper, I would have never seen this. I don't know what it is. Do you?

My blistered hand is much better. I am a little leary of a whistling tea kettle. When the lid fell off Monday evening, the steam blasted the side of my right-hand and especially my little finger. I am thankful the blisters are shrinking. And thankful for all the blip friends who gave suggestions and wished me well. I was miserable with fire burning pain.

Today I submitted semester grades. If students have not kept a tally all semester, they can now check online for the results. Almost everyone managed to earn a passing grade. Many in my Thursday late morning class earned "B"s, and some earned "A"s. I've had the pleasure of receiving several emails from grateful students who wrote nice comments. That was a relief, especially after receiving a couple of nasty emails from one female student seveal weeks ago (which is always disconcerting).

Because I never graduated from high school (I married Mr. Fun instead), I always look forward to graduation. Tomorrow I get to participate in commencement for the 18th time since becoming an instructor. It will be a regal moment--seeing all the students wearing their flat hats and robes is fabulous; plus the added magic of the administrators and faculty dressed in all their colors; then add in the cheers of an excited audience, balloons, bands, speakers, and well, you know (if you've read my journal) that I love celebrations . . . and all kinds of ceremonies.

It was just 22 years ago that I graduated from this college, and my life has changed immensely. Tomorrow evening I'll be tingling with goosebumps and blinking back tears. Some jobs pay monetary bonuses; my bonuses come through exciting events and cheerful celebrations. Tomorrow my cup will be filled to overflowing and I plan to drink every drop. I will be enebreated without having had one drop of alcohol. Maybe afterward Mr. Fun will pour me a glass of champagne . . . we can toast the summer and cross the threshold.

Until tomorrow, good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun) (and Bob dog), aka Carol

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