Solar lights

My husband has a thing about solar lights. An obsession almost. Look at our garden. Looks like a bloody fairy glen.

Today started shit, continued to be shit then ended up pretty good:

Emergency run to the hospital with mum.
Mum given painkillers and antibiotics then I brought her back to ours for the night.
She then realised she'd lost her bank card.
Called bank to block card (torturous process - why is it so hard to talk to a real person straight away).
I lost my temper with mum because she's constantly putting herself down and it is exhausting to have to provide constant assurance. I feel like a terrible daughter for saying that but I'm exhausted so... 
Made up with mum by us both pretending we hadn't just fallen out.
Friend asked if I fancied a drink.
Went to pub.
Two other friends turned up.
It was really nice.

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