

HISTORY: I met Bob [bobs photos of freo] who introduced me to BLIP saying I should join as it would encourage you to take better photos.

MARCH 10.2012 I published my first BLIP entry.

SETBACK: On JUNE 16.2012 I published my 99th blip entry and then had all my camera gear stolen. The insurance would not cover my loss.

RESTART: On JULY 28.2012 I had replaced my camera gear and restarted to BLIP again.

ACCOLADES: First off THANKS to Bob [bobs photos of freo] who kept on encouraging me when I had hit a slump with blip.

To ALL my subscribers and to all the BLIPPER'S who comment send *'s and hearts A BIG THANK YOU. And I think your ALL AWESOME!!

BLIP: Blip is not just a site to place photos on BUT a place for ALL to score,give *'s and pick favourites. This encourages everyone to try that little bit harder to improve their photography.

Once again a big THANKS to all.


birds and boats....

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