electric glass

By electricglass


Went on a hike today to a place called Stewart Falls near Sundance Resort. Rain was in the forecast but usually it falls a little later in the day. We had just gotten to the falls and it started dumping! And hailing. Made some unhappy little girls. But I still had fun. witnessed a small mudslide and had to hop over it carrying both girl. I'm am loving the large amount of rain that is hitting this place. It's very uncommon for this time of year.

I tried to a little longer exposure to get some water motion. But was in a hurry to take it and get back on the path heading back. This was one of the two with the least amount of shake. I will have to go back with a tripod.


Thanks for all the great comments in yesterdays post. I'm feeling a little frustrated about the lack of job. I keep missing anyone calling me about an interview as well and once I get back to them the job has been filled. It's always a job I know I could do well and enjoy. That photo was actually going to be used as texture for the planned blip. But looking at it I really liked it. It is a patch of grass that is so dead and rocky in the yard. But out there, somewhere, is some green grass....

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