Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Gift through the Mail

We opened our mailbox this afternoon to discover the manilla envelope with Paul & Virginia's new book. They had displayed it a week or so ago on Facebook and it's been mentioned on "The View" television program. I wanted to purchase it, but I've kind of make a promise to myself that I won't purchase new books because I have entirely too many books.

So when Paul & Virginia saw our posting about celebrating our anniversary, they inscribed a lovely message to us inside the cover and put it in the mail. I'm just thrilled and as soon as this semester at school is finished I plan to read it.

We've known Paul & Virginia since summer of 1980 when we first started attending a week of family camp at Campus By the Sea on Catalina Island. Every summer they are the directors of the five weeks of summer camp. They are just a few years younger than we are and have been married about 9 years less than we have.

I love getting surprises in the mail.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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