
Meet our closest neighbors. They reside just outside our kitchen, between the window and the air conditioning unit. Their mother is quite skidish, or she would have been in the picture too. But she is quick to return once the giant with a clicking machine moves to the other side of the room. I'm going to have to find a way around the glare in that window so I can get good pictures without sticking my head out the window once the new neighbors have hatched. :)

I have met a few other neighbors (the two legged kind without beaks) since moving in on Saturday. They were very friendly and seemed to be impressed that I could speak Thai. I'm sure they could impress me with their hidden talents...I just need to get to know them better first.

On today's shopping list...a bucket for the mop, bathroom rug, trash can, and INTERNET. Ahhhh, life without did we ever do it?

It's interesting shopping by the "only as much as you can carry home" method. Long gone are the days of a big shopping trip every week or two. Without a car, and remembering we have to get everything up to the 6th floor, keeps us from buying too much at once. Hopefully this way is better for our pocketbooks too. :)

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