Photos in A Major

By A

Something new!

Not running, I do that.  Not even running in the rain, definitely do that, otherwise I wouldn’t do the former in the UK that much.

No….Parkrun.  I’ve never done one, I knew they were popular, little did I know how popular. This morning 243 folks went out in quite grotty weather to take part, plus huge kudos to the dozen or so volunteers who marshalled, amazing. 

It was quite funny as a newbie, I listened intently to the guidance and then was asked several times…”but you do run?”  Which of course I responded, that I do a bit.  

While I am late to the party, one chap had done 480, including today, I can understand the appeal. That said, I do like the solitude of a morning run and some new routes, so it could be a long time before I get close to my new acquaintance’s heady heights. 

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