Getting home last night took longer than anticipated and it was nice not to have to get up to get to the riding school today. Instead I enjoyed two (!) cups of coffee in bed before heading up to the allotment to pick some more beans and blackberries and to check for any damage after the wet and windy weather. One fruit cage had managed to twist itself round a bit but that was about it.
I didn't do lots of jobs as we had to get to the hospital to see J's Mum, who was admitted again on Friday, this time without the palava of having to break into the house but still with some urgency. She's very frail and weak and in my view is unlikely to ever go back to her house now. The brothers will have to make some plans this week although she also looked like she'll be in for a few more days yet. Himself is very upset, understandably, and we still need to tell the Not Children their beloved Gran Gran is quite poorly.
We didn't stay long, she was asleep, so I went and cut some things back in the garden while J does the food shopping and watches football.
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