George (Day 3009)

Another day off started with a trip to town to do the weekly shop, then across to Stromness to borrow a trailer from C. With the trailer hooked to the truck my beautiful wife and K zoomed off to Rendall to collect hay, and left me with strict instructions to go and get out a ride on George.
It was a bit warm and along the shore but it was grand to be out again in the sunshine. I had meant to get a shot looking towards Hoy over George's ears, but he wanted to prove that there is more to him than the back of his lugs.
We managed a little paddle in the sea before getting back to the field shortly after HV and K had arrived with the hay. Moving big round bales around is much easier with three people and it didn't take us long to get unloaded.
Home for lunch after returning the trailer, then I took Sigyn out to Lyde. I tried to get a nice pic of the view but she photobombed it in spectacular
style. I have no idea what she was doing (extra).
Back home for a few household chores and a bit of invoicing before an evening on the couch blethering.

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