
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Today has been long-awaited. A friend and I (see extra) went to see the Dressing the Georgians exhibition. My friend did a Ph.D. on 18c British portraiture and I did half a Ph.D. on 18c British constitutional history. The Georgians are often overlooked in favour of the Stuarts and Victorians, so opportunities like this are rare.

We both thoroughly enjoyed it. We were in it for 3 1/2 hours and I think we read everything. The paintings were glorious as were the various clothes, fans, jewellery and a very impressive toiletries case. 

The blip is a portrait by Allan Ramsay of George III after his coronation. It’s always been a favourite of mine. The only other time I saw it was back in 1993 on a tour of Buckingham Palace with my mum. She was a big fan of the royal family, mostly because they stayed in London during the war. Needless to say she found the palace very impressive. What I remember best was seeing this portrait in the flesh, so to speak. It’s in all the books but to see it up close was amazing - then and now. It’s in the Royal Collection so it doesn’t come out to play very often. 

What a great day!

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