
Today was the last day of our retreat. I was on washing up duty after breakfast and then we finished weeding the leek patch :-) It was a bit midgey in the garden but someone gave me some neem oil which worked a treat.

Our final session was an Interfaith “service” where various people contributed songs, prayers and reflections. It was very moving. We had lunch and then a walk around the beautiful gardens with Else.

It took several trips for the wee boat to ferry us all over to Lamlash. I was on the last boat. I had the feeling that no one wanted to leave; it was definitely hard to say goodbye.

I have another few days on Arran and the weather looks like being good, so I will spend some time editing my photos from the last few days and thinking over everything I have experienced. I can see Holy Isle from where I’m staying. It is a truly special place.

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