
By samsticks

The Shivering Timbers 4: Damo

Thanks for the comments and encouragement from yesterday's blip... unfortunately sleep eluded us again... maybe tonight's the night..?

We finally managed to shift our old sofa today as well, so we've finally got a bit of space back to move things around! Hurray!

Today is the final band member (Except me, and I'm not sure I'm ready for a proper self-portrait yet). Damo is a Kiwi and an interesting fellow. He plays the guitar in The Shivering Timbers, is another excellent song writer and provides the huskier lead vocal, which I think really defines us a a band. He's one of those people that makes you wonder how they've managed to make it through to such a great age... in the best way possible. He's a really nice guy too.

Looking forward to Sunday's gig... let's hope that Steve makes it (it's all baby dependent, and apparently there are some cramps happening already...)!

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