
It must be about 30years since I stepped inside Warrender Swimming Pool. It was the swimming pool where I learned to swim aged about 5 and where at one point in my last life I swam every day at 8am.
Since then it has been easier to go to the local gym and the Commomwealth Pool and even easier to cycle. Now with daughter #1 in town and using the Warrender Pool, I joined her this morning. 
My Edinburgh Leisure card was out of date by 30 years  but because of my venerable age I have a new one which gives me free access to the swimming pool anytime- I forgot to ask about the gym#.

Several lengths of 25yd  were done before a 10minute visit to the sauna followed by a cold shower. To cap the visit I saw someone blatantly executing a perfect handstand in the middle of the pool. The habit seems to be following me.

Yesterday evening daughter #1 and s-i-l dismantled my big bed and put together the new smaller one that arrived on Friday. All went well until one of the last bolts which had been provided in the bed end would not budge to come out and be used to connect the end and the frame. After much effort it was decided to source another one and s-i-l  got one from the workshop in the Art College and fitted it this morning.
All that is needed is a paint job to cover the mark of the water leak on the ceiling from the flat above, but I’m waiting to see if I get any insurance money for that.

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