... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Norbury: Honey Bee on Buddleia

Clearer to see in large
Extra: Best hoverfly attempt

I just took some photos as I walked to the pharmacy... I spotted a hornet-mimic hoverfly on the buddleia, but didn't get a particularly decent shot and it was keeping high. Honey bees to the rescue!

While I was taking pics, an unknown person stopped their tricked out Merc in the middle of the road, rolled down the blacked-out passenger window, and asked what I was doing... As tempted as I was to say "Minding my own business", I waved the camera and said "Photographing insects" [while thinking "you must be a detective"]. They then said that they'd flowers and wanted a decent photo, so would I come photograph them? I declined with an unnecessary "I'm afraid that I've places to be...".
Perhaps they just wanted a decent photo and didn't know how to go about approaching that, but nothing about the interaction or invitation seemed transparent or sympathetic!

Others here (or right from Honey bee on Buddleia)

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