Highs & Lows
We have a sign over the door from the hallway to the dining room which reads;
“If Mum Ain’t Happy - Ain’t Nobody Happy”
Whilst the wording on the sign is not remotely true to see Mrs S with a huge smile on her face as we exited the Sewing Shop in Redruth with her new *Overlocker under her arm was a joy to behold.
I suspect that in the coming days I may not see much of her as she retires to her Narnia Sewing Room.
By contrast the evening row was something of let down. There’s an online app where you register to row, it showed 14 + the two ‘VIP’s, eight to a gig, doable. The problem arises when those who don’t put their names down turn up - after all it’s for the VIP’s. Two of us were ‘blanked’, no row, no acknowledgement that we were even there.
So I left, there was a then meeting chat which included others by phone regarding Septembers Great River Race - missed that as well.
Paddy enjoying the cooling grass at an almost deserted Princess Pavilion.
*Overlocker - An overlocker is a machine designed to finish the edges of fabric to prevent unravelling and fraying. As a result, overlockers can create garments like T-shirts, leggings, lingerie, bedding and towels.
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