
By Skysea7

Flat sea, waves in the sky!

One reason I like being near the sea is that even if the sea is dead flat and dull, you see a lot of sky. Today the sea was as dull as it could be, but the sky looked like it was trying to impersonate a wavy stormy sea! You might just spot the sea here - it’s that dull narrow strip at the bottom of the photo!

I didn’t venture near Charlestown last week as it was their Regatta Week and was packed. Though there were no sailing ship events, just gig boats. Today even after the Regatta events I had to get there before 10am to stand any chance of parking. Even at 9.45 there were families camped out on the beach doing family beach things. I’ve never understood why they choose this beach from over 400 that Cornwall has - there’s no sand - it’s all stones, and it completely vanishes at high tide.

The weather started sunny but very quickly became overcast. With a few light showers.

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