which do you prefer, the old or the new?

This is part of a 3 mile route I have been walking for the past 6 months on a Wednesday morning while James is at his gymnastics class. Perhaps because it was a lovely morning, my head was not down and I was enjoying the view.

We have one of the largest wind farms in Scotland near to our home in East Kilbride. Since seeing my first wind farm, near to Palm Springs in California in the 1990s, I have thought they are quite beautiful, but I know not everyone shares my opinion. Compared with the pylon in the foreground, the turbines in the distance are preferable.

You can see how close the pylon is to the road- and it was one of about 8 on this stretch of road. To be fair, when the pylons were built, they were probably in the middle of nowhere and planners at that time may have thought that would always be the case, but with the expansion of East Kilbride, they are now very close to housing areas. There are several blocks of new flats at this roundabout, looking directly on to this stretch of road. Who knows how close the public may be to the turbines in 50 years or so.

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