
By Martigan

A wee bit chuffed?

I, actually, went out on the customary wander; with something totally other in mind.  I actually shot "it" - but having got all onto Computer I am forced to admit this took Top step on the Podium.  It was actually up at almost exactly eye-level.  I couldn't resist it - could you?   I can't think of any purple-flowered Garlic - SO - went for a toddle around the internet - and found a possibly HUGE "However":- 
"Allium 'Round and Purple' bears incredibly large flower heads on tall, sturdy stems. It's a fantastic choice for growing towards the back of sunny borders, and makes an impressive cut flower, both fresh and dried."   Most of it's write-ups imply it's more ornament than use? 
     I'll know better when it's harvested.  Next task, since it was bought as a culinary variety,  find out "what happened" are/is there also a culinary variety.

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