Look Out

By chrisf

Wren’s Nest

Well, this was a surprise. J parked her mobility scooter outside the hide and we walked up towards the entrance point. The mere can be viewed from here before entering the hide. Tucked into a corner of the entrance porch, about three feet above head height, was a wren’s nest. Heads poked out, and to our surprise an adult flew in to feed the young - we counted at least four heads, there may be more. The youngsters looked as if they can’t be far off fledging. I’ve added a better view of the nest in extras. I suspect some visitors to the hide miss the nest entirely, I only looked up as I noticed a small bird flying out as we walked up. We didn’t stay long, we didn’t want to disturb the nesting activity.

A lot of change since we were last at Leighton Moss. No bird song - the breeding cycle is over for another year for most species - and no swifts or hirundines skimming over the waters. Very few gulls, no raptors, and the ducks are all in their drab eclipse plumage. And the purple seed heads of the phragmites reeds are now much in evidence, today swaying in the strong August breezes.,

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