Baby mole
Heard high pitched squeaking while sitting in my shed with the door open, and there was Lulu, my cat, looking down at something. And it was this. How on earth did she catch a baby mole? Aren't they underground all the time? Was it injured? Should I kill it? Oh no, not killing a baby animal yet again.
I couldn't bring myself to do it, the more vulnerable a creature, the more difficult it is to kill. So I left it twitching away. Checked on it after about ten minutes and it seemed quite lively, astonishingly. I saw what seemed to be a burrow close by amongst the stones so I picked it up gingerly and tried to get its wriggling body to face the right direction. Sort of managed it, left it at the entrance, covered it with leaves to protect it from the sun.
Checked a few hours later, it wasn't there any more. Hope it stays in its burrow.
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