Sweet Peas

I was up early to finish my packing and to get organised for going away.  Meanwhile TT decided he needed a haircut and that he needed to sort out his greenhouse irrigation system!.  BB was still in bed, and hadn’t packed.  We set off much later than I anticipated, but it was good to get away.  It was a lovely day and we were all dressed or summer.  It was sunny and twenty one degrees when we left.  As we headed down the A1, the temperature dropped steadily and it got rather grey.  Thankfully the temperature decided to increase again, rather than continuing to decrease and the sun reappeared.  We drove through a few minor showers, but nothing to worry about.
We stopped at Boroughbridge and picked up some provisions for a late picnic lunch in the park.  There was a cool breeze so we didn’t linger.  We reached our destination – a Premier Inn on an “island”, bordered all around by busy roads.  The weather had deteriorated and was very grey, overcast and cool.  I went out to see what the options for tea were, while TT watched the cricket highlights .  BB chose McDonalds – which would not have been my choice, not that there was anything much better.  While we were there, the rain came on and was torrential.  We had to hang around until it had eased off.  We then headed back to the room and had an early night, as we were all weary.  I struggled to get my 10,000 steps today, but just made it.
I took a picture of our sweet peas before we left home this morning, as I doubt they will still be looking this good when we get back.

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