Mono Monday. : : Shadow Patterns

The shades closed against the afternoon heat resulted in some interesting shadows on the wall. I kept the straight out of camera color because, although not black and white, I think they still qualify for mono. Black and white isn't really just those two colors either, which is why I think mono is a better term.  I liked the prompt which said, the eye is always caught by the light but shadows have more to say....

Will and Chloe picked up Blake last night, and I'm sure he was happy to see Dana and Jim and Peter when they got home. We miss him stretched out in a doorway or across the kitchen floor. He's a big dog and it's getting harder for him to get up so it was easier to step over him than convince him to move, although he did tend to disappear into the dark depths of the closet at night, making a trip to the bathroom perilous. We all survived, and I don't think I forgot any of the doggy meds, although I did purchase one  thing that is a human drug and accidentally got raspberry flavored dissolvable tablets. Blake didn't notice, as long as they were dispensed in a bit of peanut butter.

Now we're down to a tiny bottle of eye drops and an even tinier tube of ointment for Spike, each of which cost more money than if it was filled with gold dust.

Speaking of meds, in the course of trying to switch mine to a closer pharmacy, the pharmacist was so overbearing, and so rude that I finally switched it all back again.I kept asking her to explain what she was asking for, and why, because it made no sense to me. She just kept repeating the same thing back to me, insisting that she had told me  before and finally said, 'do you think you can remember that?' I felt vindicated when the doctor's office texted me that not only was she wrong in demanding certain information before she would dispense my prescription, but that government privacy regulations actually  prevent her from demanding it. 

Many thanks to many of you for all the stars and hearts for Spike in the flower bed and the long story about our dinner at Willi's. I've told most parts of the story as they happened over the years, but the gathering of so many people whose lives had become interconnected through friendship and serendipity seemed striking enough to try to tell it all over again, trying connect the dots.

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