Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Back to reality… and then some!

We had a good journey home, arriving at Heathrow at about 6.30am, but it all went a bit pear-shaped after that!

Despite our doing our best to persuade him, our son didn’t want to come with us on holiday. He’s fairly fit, active and sociable but he’s not a traveller, doesn’t like long flights or car transfers, hot weather or the sort of full-on sightseeing we did so he was more than happy to stay home and did a super job of looking after both himself and the cats. We did laugh, though, that although he’d bagged up all the rubbish and recycling and put the bins out on the right days, he forgot to actually put the rubbish in the bins, LOL!

I spent the day tidying the house and doing laundry but when I went to go food shopping in afternoon, my car was dead… again! The AA wouldn’t come out because apparently my car tax ran out while we were away and I’m also blocking my husband’s car in so we can’t use his, either! I’ve not had my car a year yet and don’t you usually get a reminder? And… how are you supposed to know anyway, now we don’t have a paper thingy in the window? At least I can prove it hasn’t been on the road! Taxed the car straight away (and put a note in my diary for next year!) but the AA won’t come out until the government website is updated tomorrow and although I spoke to three people at the dealership I bought the car from, brand new last year, no-one called me back. It’s the same problem I had a few weeks ago so they really need to get it sorted.

I walked to the Co-op to get some basic supplies but everyone wanted pizza for dinner so we got a Domino’s delivery in the evening. I laughed at how the top box looks like my face has for most of the day!

All’s well, though, and we’ve got some amazing memories of the past two weeks, even if our homecoming was a bit more eventful than we’d been expecting!

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