Clever knitting and crochet

I'd forgotten I'd taken these photos on our trip to the tip! We spotted them on the walk back to the car after our coffee break, in Middleton. There are so many of these knitted and crocheted items around many towns now, brightening our days.
I didn't take any photos today as I was busy with "me time"!
We had a film lunch/afternoon at the village hall today. All those going voted on a musical from a choice of four films. My Fair Lady was the winner. 
Jeff, keeper of all things village hall, organised the showing of the film with his trusty laptop and projector skills! Four of us other volunteers made and plated up individual settings of finger rolls, sausage roll and crisps for the lunch. Tea was also served. Chris had bagged up little striped bags of sweets for people to eat during the film and in the intermission we served little tubs of ice cream which we lovingly prepared and served to each person. Everything was much appreciated including the film which was a real hit.
I did sit by the door in case of phone calls or urgent messages but I managed the whole afternoon uninterrupted.....amazing.
It didn't take long to leave the hall spick and span, with quite a few of us clearing up. I wish I'd taken photos it was such a fun afternoon.
I got home in time for my grocery shopping delivery made dinner and then called mum. She was fine although still not feeling 100%. Let's hope her appointments come soon.

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