Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Chinley Churn walk

After a good longer than usual sleep I was ready for a walk on the hills. A solo walk from Peep ‘O Day along Chinley Churn to  Cracken Edge quarries

The promised sunshine was always in the distance but I did enjoy it especially watching Wheatears at least three with 2 distinctly different birds seen shortly after this one.  I do love the colours on the wall as well.

Extra Photos:   A fascinating stone stile above Cracken Edge quarry
And the view from the South end of Chinley Churn to a little bit of brigher light towards Chapel-en-le-frith.

Other birds seen included more than 20 Swifts and more than 30 House Martins plus a handful of Swallows.  Raven, Sparrowhawk and at the end of the walk a Kestel.

on my return I did help with the mammoth job of cutting back out of control Hawthorn hedges…… more still to be done.

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