
By daftwithoneshoe

I <3 U

Last full day at school today D:

No!! I was indeed crying. 4 times in fact. I am seriously going to miss everyone, I'm not going to be in a lesson with none of them, ever again. We had a fun day. Doing absolutely no work, well, except for in French, my stupid b***h of a teacher making us do work on the last ever day and her lesson. The rest of the day, we just talked ate food, signed each others year books and shirts. My shirt is covered in things like 'I love you Sian' and other stuff like that. My face and my chest is also covered in scribbles.

The 'I <3 U' was done by my best friend Kirsty with a board marker lol, on my cheek, and I still haven't washed it off, I don't want too, not until later on tonight. I am, of course, going to keep the signed shirt, it's got all the people I love on it, and when I was signing other peoples shirt's I just wrote 'I love ya. Sian xx' Nothing more needed, as well, I love them all.

I really do, and I don't know what I'm going to do without them.

And I know it's a rubbish photo >.<

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