Unusual Marina
Our summer cabin is a short walk from this near-unique marina. We are able to see boats and yachts coming and going all day long. We regularly take evening walks around to perimeter of its large oval basin.
Point Roberts is basically a 3 kilometer by 5 kilometer rectangle, with a border on one side a water on the other three. In the past boaters were forced to anchor off shore.
About 40 years ago a very low lying tract of land near the south shore was dredged out. An opening was cut in the perimeter dike and the basin flooded. (See map for a better idea of what this looks like.) The resulting marina provided moorage for about 700 boats of all shapes a sizes. The vast majority of the boats are owned by Canadians seeking cheaper, more convenient moorage, with easier access to a wider variety of destinations.
This all seemed like a great idea. However, the vagaries of the border, the fluctuations of the dollar and unforeseen events like 9/11 and Covid, not to mention the increasing cost of fuel, have greatly impacted the fortunes of the marina. It has been bought and sold several times, and currently is still struggling to overcome the troubles caused by the pandemic, when many Canadians moved their boats back home.
It is a lovely place to kayak…perfectly calm all the time.
Extra attempts to show the scope of the marina. The view is from the head of the marina toward to opening in the distance.
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