Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Thank you for being a friend

While we were away, we got the sad news that one of our closest friends had passed away, very suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack, aged just 76. Today, we said our final goodbye.

I’ve never met anyone else like her. Quietly spoken but with an endless supply of energy and infinite interests, she was a leading light in virtually every aspect of our village life, from running many groups and events to being on the committee that got, against all odds, our amazing community centre built. And all this while working full time and raising a family.

She had a deep faith firmly rooted in the here-and-now and everyone had a story to tell at her funeral today - about her kindness, how she’d always been there when they needed her, and how much she was loved. The list of her achievements was incredible and the eulogy written by her sons was a beautiful, heartwarming tribute to a full and meaningful life.

For me, as well as her involving me in so many things over the years and simply just being a wonderful friend, her Open University degree - obtained when most people are thinking about retirement - was proudly displayed on her living room wall and was the inspiration for me to get mine. She is, without a doubt, why I fulfilled my lifelong dream of being a teacher… and I know she inspired countless others in many different ways. Such a sad day but so many lives made better for having known her.

Rest in peace, Beryl. Give our love to David when you see him. xxx

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