I forgot my shirt at the waters edge
Ever hopeful I live up to my daughters expectations of me - I climb the banking in the morning on the way to work.
Yesterday a lady passed me and said ‘oh it’s you. How are you, keeping well? Haven’t seen you in forever. How are the kids, how is Si’. It wasn’t until she was twenty yards away and shouted ‘and your mum. How is you mum’. I recognised the voice
Today there was no one. I decided to extend my footsteps because it doesn’t need to be 10.000 apparently. 5000 is enough.
As I walked along I could see a yellow float in the water
I walked closer still and yes. There was a little lady appended to said float
Hmmm I thought that is dodgy.
All on her own Normally wild swimming recommends at least a couple.
I decided I would take responsibility for her safety and settled myself on a bench. For there are many. And watched as she tackled the bouncy waves and made her way to Paddy’s Isle. (Which was currently under water). You can see it. White rocks under water
She seemed to struggle to get there but on the turn it took at least three strokes to get moving.
Eventually she got back to shore and I stood. Ready to Face the world now that I had saved the life of someone.
And now at the end of the day. After a frantic day in the office which involved an ‘outside meeting’. (I had to talk where no one would hear and I found a spot in a grassy meadow and sat there for thirty minute and got a damp bum)
I am up at the allotment weeding the paths. While himself attends another meeting of the committee….
I just dug up a nest of flying ants and am
Killing the blighter who made it up my teeshirt at a rate of three with one swipe
I’m going to have to have a shower
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