She didn’t even want to paddle!!!
Unlike Sunday it was rather chilly and very windy and we had lots of rain.

We left London about 9:30 and got to Hythe by 11(ish). I dropped Mum off to see a friend of hers who she hadn’t seen for several years. I went off and met C (one of my golden girls)…we had cake and a cuppa whilst we contemplated what to do…we did a charity shop recky and I got a puzzle for a family trip later in the year. We dodged the rain and had a lunch in the pub…(no alcohol was consumed!!!!) then I went down to collect Mum.
I stayed with her and her friend for a was nice to catch up. Her husband was the vicar at our wedding 36 years ago so we’ve known her a while.
Afterwards I drove along the front to get this photo…I would have let Mum out the car but I couldn’t risk her trying to swim to France.
A good day x

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