All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Eden's new bike

Both Ethan and I were tired and grumpy today. He was up for about an hour and a half during the night, screaming and bawling. He seems to be really scared of the dark and even when we leave a nightlight on he still wakes and gets upset, wanting us to stay and sit with him "to look after him". Even despite this, he was still then up at 6am again - grrrrr!

Still he enjoyed his swimming lesson (with teacher in the pool with the kids again). After that we drove over to the Foreveryoung house to feed their cats for them. As it was a beautiful day, Ethan and I ended up having a wee picnic lunch in their back garden. Ethan quickly noticed Eden's new balance bike and insisted on zooming up and down the driveway on it! He also said he wanted us to stay at the house until Eden got back, lol!

Then over to nursery - he fell asleep in the car on the way there but I had to wake him up after 25 mins to take him in.

Playtime in the garden tonight - more splashing in the paddling pool and then a tired wee boy was crashed out in bed by 7.30pm - very unusual these days.

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