A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Hanging Out

I feel so much better today after a good night’s rest. Thank you all for your well wishes, they helped! • With more rain tonight and tomorrow my priority was mowing the grass today. It’s growing like crazy and MrsP likes the fresh grass for the composters. I also deadheaded and weeded before calling it quits • Grabbing the camera I spent a couple of hours outdoors watching and waiting • I’ve confirmed we actually have four clearwing hummingbird moths, not two. How exciting is that?!? • It appears our monarch caterpillars are gone, but we remain hopeful and optimistic a few made it to the chrysalis stage • This is a silver y moth, a new sighting for me. From the little I read I don’t think it’s common in Maine • Keeping sunflower in my thoughts • Peace & Love

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