living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Precious Possession

I found this photo challenge theme really difficult. I'm just not really into possessions and, even though I don't know where I would be without my computer or phone, I don't consider them precious. It's more likely the opposite- addictive, time wasting deviced that I would probably be much better off without!

So I decided to see today's challenge from Chickpea's perspective: I asked if she could take a picture of her favourite and her best thing. She said, "I want to take a picture of my feet!" After that she took a picture of her dollies- Lola and the "dolly with the people on it." I'm happy I was able to decipher that last one. I wasn't sure if her feet or her dollies were her favourite and her best so I put them both on.

Monkey learned a scary new trick today- standing up on the chair at the table- a much more dangerous trick than standing up on the couch but he is very excited about it. I hope it gets boring soon!

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