Malteser withdrawal.....
Normally I'm not in the front shop much, but we were short staffed today, so I ventured out, just to be helpful.....
Either I was slightly massively irritable, or the customers were a bit odd.
Customer No1 - Do you have batteries?
Me (smiling) - Yes, what size would you like?
C. No1 - Oh you know, small round ones. Shiny. Metally.
Me (amazed) - Well what are they for?
C. No1 (sighing) - You get electricity kind of stuff from them....
Me (starting to frown) - I meant, what are you putting them in to?
C. No1 - The battery compartment.....
Customer No2 - I need something for a bruised arm.
Me - Have you tried arnica? It's great for healing bruises.
C. No2 - That is so amazing! How would you even know a thing like that?
Me - Because this is a pharmacy. And I work here......
Customer No156 - I want some non-drowsy hayfever tablets to take at night.
Me - Certainly, but if you're having them at night, does it matter if they make you sleepy?
C No156 - Yes, I don't like the ones that make you drowsy.
Me - Ok, try these. Anything else?
C.No156 - I need something to help me get off to sleep.....
Is it me????
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