Garden Girl

Miss E and her friend Miss H had lots of fun tonight after school digging in the garden and making "mixture"
Mixture involves as much water, soil, leaves, flowers, grass and berries as posible all mixed up in a pot and stirred with sticks. Lovely!
Usual Wednesday today: pre Tumbletots lunch and chat with Mrs C, Mr R and Baby C, Tumbletots, Ikea for a couple of frames and a cup of tea (no meatballs, get me!!) school to collect Miss E and Miss H, a couple of hours of swinging, mixture making, smoothie making and putting on shows (which were ticketed events and involved the girls dressing up as fairies and dancing and/or bouncing on the trampoline to music supplied by Miss H's brother, Mr S on the keyboard!)
Now the worn out Little Misses are asleep and I'm on the sofa eating garlic and coriander prawns and watching The Apprentice. I've had to mute it because I can't bear to hear the awfulness!

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