Subliminal mix up

Bus occurence this morning:
Me reading the paper, several other people doing similar trying to avoid their thighs touching the thighs of the stranger sittinging next to them

A man boards the bus slightly the worse for drink and decides to do a one man show. Speaking to anyone who dared to make eye contact and everyone else who wouldn't

I think it's going to rain, what do you think. Might rain eh? Do you remember this one (he breaks into song)
I think it's raining all over the
I think it's raining all over the world
(speaking) I've been all over the world.... and I made it rain.
(singing) tuuuuulips from Rotterdam
tuuuuuuuuuuuuulips from Rotterdam
(aside, speaking) not Amsterdam - Rotterdam.
(pointing at the can in his hand) It's diet coke you know. Diet coke.

Enjoying it as I was, I had to get off the bus. I rang the bell and the bus stopped.
(drunken singing) Like a bat out of hell you'll be gone in the morning, gone...

Well it was light relief. When I got to where I was going I realised that I shouldn't be there till tomorrow. Thankfully that meant I could devote the day to writing the grant application.

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