Evening Light @ the Harbour

As some of you may have guessed I had devastating news 11 days ago, but yesterday I was reassured by my medical Specialist that although it's still a journey yet, it is not as bad as we had all feared. Yes, I still have cancer, but, the result of the CT scans, is that it's looking contained and removable, so next is an MRI and then surgery.
You will never understand how cared for that I have felt when I've looked at my blip and found so many comments, stars and even faves, when I could barely even be bothered to blip. I wish that I could meet you all ;-)
I will comment again! and enjoy normal family life and even our 40th Wedding Anniversary in September. God Bless you all, and thank you.
My mind is still not focussed so it will take a time for me to get back into the swing of blipping and commenting, please bear with me, and don't feel obliged to comment on my blips ;-)

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