Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Happy Hols Day 1

Back to Blanes, where the Costa Brava in Spain begins, and where we spent a week last August about this time. Coming by train for €4.50 in 1.5 hours is part of the ecological and financial attraction. Instead of six days, we have extended to ten days and cut out last year’s second week in Aix-En-Provence which, although lovely, was a step up in terms of expense of getting and being there, as well as travel time.

We also downgraded from a top floor, larger room to a room that actually works better for us in terms of distribution and sun protection . . . a balcony with a roof above rather than an exposed-to-the-sun open terrace with no shade. We live and learn!

We hope to relax into it all more fully without the rhythm being too quickly interrupted. This, our first lunch a hundred metres from the hotel, was a good start.

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