Bicycle, bicycle …..

Got a Queen song ear worm happening now …. Had a really good day on Iona. We went to see an exhibition of Rowena Browns ceramics. She used her house as a venue and was exhibiting with another artist call Susan Rentoul. Enjoyed the work and also met up with a few friends there. I wanted a swim so we headed over to the north of the island and had a quick dip and a picnic. Saw all these bikes on the way back. What a great way to get around this small and relatively flat island. You can hire them here too. There were a surprising number of cars as well though. Only residents are supposed to be allowed to have cars on the island but apparently tourists have been taking the mickey using all sorts of ridiculous tall tales to bring their cars on. Later we met up with MK for a coffee and long over due catch up before catching the ferry back. My goodness it was busy.

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