Choose Joy

By Energia

Hooray for photography

Hooray for photography. It encourages you to get up, get out, look for something beautiful. At this park the deer were completely unafraid of humans, eating within feet of the path. All the people thoughtfully went behind me to avoid getting in my pictures. The temperature was great, the weather was great. 

Russia has a more powerful navy than Ukraine. Ukraine has sea drones. They are small, inexpensive, homemade, and hard to defend against. They have allowed Ukraine to attack strategic military targets and symbols. 

Zelensky took a big, public step against corruption in Ukraine, firing the heads of all regional military recruitment centers. They'd been accepting bribes. 

A leader of Russia's business community criticized the war as barbaric. He runs Russia’s largest search engine and ride-hailing service. He lives in Israel, not Russia. 

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