Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


Good day today. On the way to work came across a decorated traffic light with balloons and streamers and a quote taped on it. Further up the road a post bag drop off container was wrapped up in 'High school musical' wrapping paper with several balloons. On it was gift tag 'You bring me post therefore you are a legend!'. This must be a youngster as Eco son describes people who get respect as legends.

In light on the present political stuff going on about the Royal Mail, I hope this cheers up the local postie.

I would like to see the country run by the person that wraps post boxs, would be much more interesting and more refreshing, oh to be young again.

On the way home a couple of streets along from post box, I spotted this classic. My goodness the Grange of Edinburgh has humour, what next.

No doubt the council will be along to remove non official road markings and of course charge a special rate for cars used to save Gotham City.

I smiled the rest of the way home.

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