A late bloomer

The grounds of the school still have a splendid display of aloe flowers but most are past their best. A change of season is definitely in the air.

Another busy day done. Fourteen young people are now eagerly awaiting the start of their new skills program next month. One client who never pays on time was told cheers, and a new staff member started the negotiations for her own apartment close to the office to save her a four hour commute per day.

Back home to prep food for tomorrow’s Bookclub as it’s my turn to host. A hash brown crusted quiche, a biscoff cheesecake, and a ginger torte are now waiting to be scoffed.

All done just in time for our delayed monthly catch up. Only four of us this time, but it was great fun, with lots of laughter, and I got a question right in Jackthelad’s quiz. Wonders will never cease!

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