The Village of Happiness

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I worked from home today. And there were a lot of meetings and I felt like things were being accomplished. 

And Lee-Ann got in touch. She too was working from home and she lives in Raumati which is a 5 minute drive from Paraparaumu. 

She asked me if I wanted to meet for coffee and of course I said yes because I like Lee-Ann and I like coffee.

We talked a little about work, of course. But then we moved on to other things. We talked about our respective partners and her children and Barbie. 

We also talked about Caro's CBD and THC for her rheumatoid arthritis. Lee-Ann is in favour and talked about an experience she had three years ago when Aotearoa was having the legalisation debate and referendum (which ultimately failed).

"And I told everyone I was in favour at work," said Lee-Ann. "Because we were speaking openly and I was working in a fairly youthful team."

"And they all LOOKED at me," she said, shocked. "I'd suddenly outed myself as a druggie and they all disapproved." 

She shook her head sadly. "There's a retirement village in South Africa," she told me. "And they call it 'The Village of Happiness' because they grow weed in their grounds."

"I want that," she told me. "I want to end up in the Village of Happiness."

Well don't we all. 

I mean. Look at Crashy here. High on catnip and loving life. I want that for all of us. 

I assured her that together at work we would continue working on it.


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