The Big Day

Here are the very happy couple.  No official photos yet and I took very few so most of these are probably from the kids.

A brief description of the day (May be updated with more info at a later date).

Hairdresser arrived at 6:30am and I was first to be done.
Mum, Nat’s mum and I should have travelled in the old Rolls Royce to the church first and the car would return for bridesmaids.  However, Nat’s mum still in dressing gown putting bunting by front door when she should be having hair done.  So bridesmaids went first and I was the one to help Nat into her dress.  Which was lovely but I think the bridesmaids would have liked to do it and Nat was ready before her mum.
We left with Nat following behind around 11:50 for a 20+ minute drive to the church in Corbridge (incidentally had the same name as the church Mr C and I got married in)… The wedding was at 12 so we were quite late.
Everybody was seated in the church when we arrived and melted heart moment was when Oscar said Nanna out loud as I was walking down. We stopped to talk to him and he said Nannas ‘at.  Nat’s mum asked if he liked her hat , no he replied…. Oops!
Surprisingly, Mr C (hard as nails type of character) was already emotional when I arrived at my seat. 
Oh, and I forgot to mention it was raining all morning and was still lightly when the service was over and the photographer wanted to do a confetti shot outside the church.
Back into church for more photos before returning to the marquee for the day to continue.
A lovely meal followed by some really emotional speeches from Sim, more tissues needed for Mr C and I.
The rain had stopped and more photos were had in the woodland.  After this, sadly, mum and Lucy had a fallout.  Mum walking into photo shoot, all shouting (she’s deaf) for her to move so she bends down. Photographer won’t take photo as he can still see her so we have to shout again but as Lucy’s at the back it’s her that is seen to be doing the shouting. Walking back to the house to change shoes mums moaning that he couldn’t see her and Lucy snapped back. Mum told Lucy to shut up she said the same and more words were traded after I had returned to the marquee.  I see it that both are at fault and Lucy, who has anxiety and her own mental health issues and, where we have found the build up quite stressful she finds it 10x more stressful and it all just culminated into them both being upset.

Back in the marquee for the evening and I seemed to hit a wall.  I think the adrenaline had run out and the tiredness hit together with the upset.  It was also quite cold in the marquee.  I did dance and enjoyed the evening as best I could.

Although it probably sounds I’ve moaned about the day, it was just to give you a snapshot of the stresses that didn’t need to happen.  BUT the day itself was wonderful and more importantly Sim & Nat both thoroughly enjoyed their special day.

As Nat is 6months pregnant and has quite a bump, her dress was well made to cover the fact.


Ps I wrote more than I intended ;-D

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