Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


paperclips. Essential kit in Germany. The local stationery shop had 10 different kinds. It was mind boggling. 

There was a free workshop and drink session outside our stationery shop. I made an autumnal wreath (a blip for a slow day), more tricky than it looked. 

Without faffing on the internet I printed out some German grammar I need to learn, sorted some bank things,  sent an email, filed away some paperwork, made a book of ideas for the new flat, sewed a button on, wrote up reflective notes on my week at work and read my book. It feels weirdly superhuman but also a bit scary how easily it is to get into bad habits. I do like my smart phone but I wish it could be glakit a bit more often. Maybe a glakit setting? It might already exist. 

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