
By DepressedDiva

Operation DeFlab!

I weighed myself this morning. It was the first time I’ve done it in over a year. I knew my comfort eating had been having a negative effect on my weight when I was packing for my holiday and literally nothing fitted me!

I have put on 2 stone in 13 months and gone up 3 dress sizes. Considering I wasn’t slim to start with this is really bad. So, I have decided to restart slimming world this week. I’ve been going through all my recipe books today to get some inspiration for tasty foods. I am much more likely to stick to it if I don’t feel like I am on a diet.

I know slimming world works. Many years ago when we were going through fertility treatment to have a second child (got pregnant very easily with the teenager!) I lost over 4 stone. That was probably too much as I was a size 8 at the end of it. I think at that point I was a bit obsessed about the diet as it was something I could control. My fertility wasn’t.

The irony was I thought I was depressed then but I really wasn’t. It took me a while but I soon realised that I was only trying for a baby because it was what was expected of us. Both my ex husband I we’re actually OK with an only child and decided to enjoy nice holidays instead!

Today I’ve missed the teenager. She’s having a great time. The house feels quite quiet without her today. Although I still have my brother here. He’s probably less mature than her!

Bedtime soon, after I finish the current episode of Lincoln Lawyer. My aunt got me into it last week and I’ve been binge watching it today. I would definitely recommend it.

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