My day

By 59

Miserable and wet day here. I chanced a quick walk late this evening and the sun peeked out lighting up this old Dairy Factory. There have been plans to do it all up ever since we moved here. I don’t mind the empty block but the rubbish is disgusting. 

Because it was raining I decided to tidy up my in tray. HA! I was going to do it at the beginning of the year and now it’s August. I sorted it into current, medical, gardening, filing, holidays. I even threw out about half of it. Yay.

 Things go back to 1972 including a letter I wrote home to Mum and Dad which has resurfaced from somewhere. In it I was complaining about the staff to patient ratio in hospitals. Nothing seems to have improved. 

I enjoyed the football game last night. We narrowly defeated France 0:0 with 7:6 penalties (after 20 attempts). Both teams played well. Now we are up against England in the semi finals on Wednesday. 

After the game my knee had locked up and I couldn’t stand up. When that happens the pain is excruciating but resolves once I get it tracking in the normal way. It is most inconvenient and I’ll have to go and see a GP to have further tests. I first had trouble in 1973 when I was nursing and it has been a pain ever since. In between attacks it is OK so I’ve never really done anything about it. 

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