
By Chops13

Seagull Feast

Our neighbour (our place is farthest right) and his wife were up before dawn to go salmon fishing, for Coho, Pink and King (Chinook or Tyee) in what, he says, is the best salmon run of this century.

They brought their catch back, where he cleaned and his wife filleted it.

Here he is in the background having deposited the bones and scraps on the beach for the scavengers to feed on. Eagles usually get the majority, but on this day the seagulls predominate with a lone crow having to wait its turn. (The thumbnail reminds me of Hitchcock’s The Birds.)

Later, our neighbour came by with half of a King salmon, almost ten pounds of fish, vacuum packed and frozen. He is now our very favourite neighbour!

With an unprecedented THREE whale sightings, while we had company, this was a very good day.

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