
By CreativeCarol

The Pulse

... of my band! Meet my friend, Michael, the drummer for my Praise Band at church. He has been drumming with us for three years and he is a fantastic drummer. No matter what I throw at him; rock, pop, country, old time gospel, hymns, whatever the style of music, he is right there with me.

Tonight at rehearsal, we worked on a piece for Sunday, called 10,000 Reasons. If you have a moment to listen, pay attention to the drums. I am a little prejudiced, and not to take away from this awesome talented drummer on the video, but Michael plays this piece like he was born for it.

Michael is from Trinidad and his parents are missionaries that are based from our church. He is currently in college studying photography. He was not happy about being on the other side of the camera for this photo. I know he would have taken a better photo. I apologized for the reflection of the flash! But this photo won because of his smile. He is fine christian young man that I am blessed to be friends with.

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